Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What is Willpower?

Merriam-Webster defines willpower as "the ability to control yourself : strong determination that allows you to do something difficult (such as to lose weight or quit smoking)"  To further define the meaning, let's say it is the ability to forgo the momentary pleasure (what I want right now) for long term contentment (what I want most).  An example might be:  Right now I want this doughnut, but what I want most is to be disease free and energetic.  These two conflicting desires must be balanced and the conductor that balances them is willpower.

The interesting thing about willpower is that it is a system that can function at low or high levels depending on how strong it is at any given time, meaning willpower can be strengthened or allowed to weaken depending on how we exercise it.  Think of willpower as a system like your cardiovascular system that when worked and conditioned will allow you to do more work over extended periods of time; or similar to your muscular skeletal system that allows you to move more of a load when it is strengthened by lifting weights.  Your willpower system (muscle) will get stronger each time you use it (work it out).

For example, if you are out for dinner and everyone in your group orders unhealthy food, and you forego the temptation to eat what you see your party eat, you just made your willpower muscle stronger.  In a sense it got a workout.  The next time this temptation presents itself, you will be stronger, and it will be easier to avoid the temptations.  However, just like the cardiovascular system and muscular skeletal system the willpower system can get burned out and over-worked, in rare cases.  So keep in mind that the occasional break you give your will could pay off, making your willpower even stronger.  Look for opportunities to workout your willpower "muscle" today!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Assign Values to Foods We Eat.

When deciding on food choices in this day and time, there is a need to place values on the foods we eat.  There was a time long ago when most foods had a similar value in that they were mostly good for us to consume.  Not any more.  As food makers become more cleaver at influencing our food choices, it becomes down right burdensome to place value on individual foods. 

this is what I believe is one of the main problems we face as a society of people attempting to maintain bood health throught nutrition.  The big problem is that many people have assigned value on these foods using the wrong criteria.  For example, someone might place a high value on a particular food because it tastes extremely good, or because others in their social network like to consume it.  Others might consider the low cost of a food to be a percieved value.

If we really are concerned about health and long term wellness including fat loss we must assign value to our food based on sound nutritional principles.  With the exception of occasional treat foods, we should use the folwoing criteria to place value on our foods:
  1. Nutritional content
  2. Ability to fuel daily activities and brain function
  3. Ability to fight disease
Foods that meet these needs should have the highest value and be consumed the most, as this will lead to a long term health and personal productivity.  So each time you consume any food, ask yourself "what is this food's real value to me given the goals I have for health and wellness?"

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Food Addiction

Addiction - the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit forming, such as a narcotic, to such an extent that its cessation causes a severe trauma.

The more my experience grows in the business of coaching people in areas of weight loss and fitness it becomes increasingly apparent that many people are unable to become healthy and fit due to Food Addiction.  Food has become a center of pleasure that is so strong and enslaving that very little attention is given to the nutritional content of the food.

This is a relatively new phenomenon that came about largely because food manufacturers, in an effort to make more sales, included ingredients or combinations of ingredients that make certain foods extremely tasty, but at the same time causing problems such as toxicity and overconsumption.  Many people that I talk to know that these foods are causing them to experience less of life, but are so enslaved to these highly palatable foods that they simply have decided that they will experience the pleasure of these "foods" at the expense of good health.

So what do we do to help this situation?  First, we need to recognize this enslavement to highly palatable foods as an addiction and to treat it as such.  Second, we must find a way to separate ourselves from these "foods" and find ones that are nutritious and tasty, but not laced with agents that bombard our pleasure center in the brains causing us to over consume.  The foods are available.  They may even cost a little more, but are well worth the extra effort to find, purchase and prepare.
Soon enough after consistently consuming tasty, healthy foods, our pleasure center that called for the unhealthy, highly palatable food will begin to quiet and we get on with the business of fat loss and good health.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Plant Your Super Foods Now for Winter Nourishment

Now is the time to plant your fall crop of Superfoods such as kale, cabbage, collards, spinach, carrots, lettuce radish...  If you don't presently have a garden, it is the perfect time to start one!  You can dedicate a small space in your yard and begin growing these foods that will nourish you beyond belief.  If you don't have a yard, you can begin by using containers.  The containers can be placed close to the kitchen for easy access.  Just be sure your garden area receives 6 hours of sunlight per day.

These fall veggies are very easy to grow and prepare for cooking.  They are very low in sugar and will nourish you without raising insulin levels.  They are also very low in calories.  Most can be sauteed in coconut or extra virgin olive oil in just a few minutes.

It is very gratifying to step outside and pick a healthy "mess" of greens and saute them up for dinner; or step outside and pick lettuce, radish and carrots for a nice salad to compliment your protein.  The best part is knowing these super foods are helping you nourish your body and fight degenerative disease!

Pick up some seeds the next time you are out and give it a try!