Thursday, September 11, 2014

Assign Values to Foods We Eat.

When deciding on food choices in this day and time, there is a need to place values on the foods we eat.  There was a time long ago when most foods had a similar value in that they were mostly good for us to consume.  Not any more.  As food makers become more cleaver at influencing our food choices, it becomes down right burdensome to place value on individual foods. 

this is what I believe is one of the main problems we face as a society of people attempting to maintain bood health throught nutrition.  The big problem is that many people have assigned value on these foods using the wrong criteria.  For example, someone might place a high value on a particular food because it tastes extremely good, or because others in their social network like to consume it.  Others might consider the low cost of a food to be a percieved value.

If we really are concerned about health and long term wellness including fat loss we must assign value to our food based on sound nutritional principles.  With the exception of occasional treat foods, we should use the folwoing criteria to place value on our foods:
  1. Nutritional content
  2. Ability to fuel daily activities and brain function
  3. Ability to fight disease
Foods that meet these needs should have the highest value and be consumed the most, as this will lead to a long term health and personal productivity.  So each time you consume any food, ask yourself "what is this food's real value to me given the goals I have for health and wellness?"

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